The Okeniyi Foundation is focused on inspiring minds and shaping brighter futures through exceptional education and entrepreneurship. Our goal is to offer accessible, creative, and inclusive educational opportunities to learners in various fields and backgrounds with different abilities. The Foundation was founded in 2010 by Bimbi Okeniyi, and she believes that formal education and entrepreneurship is fundamental to both individual and community development. The foundation is equally devoted to cultivating future leaders, thinkers, and change-makers of tomorrow.
Our Mission is to empower students through education, talented youths through entrepreneurship hereby fostering a society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.
We are committed to uplifting the less privileged, nurturing talents, and creating a positive impact by driving social change and development across Nigeria. Our Vision To build a future where every Nigerian has access to quality education, and opportunities for personal and community development, creating a nation of empowered and self-reliant individuals who contribute to sustainable growth and societal well-being.
Bimbi Fibi Okeniyi
Okeniyi Foundation was set up as a non-profit organization with the philosophy of helping people without creating dependency.
We support the Nigerian government's goal of providing free, universal basic education for every Nigerian child of school age and reduce the incidences of dropouts from the formal system through improved relevance, quality and efficiency.
We aim to increase literacy in Nigeria by subsidizing the boy and girl child educational fees. We work to improve the family life by offsetting the bulk of the school bills and integrating services to ensure a strong overall growth system for the family.
Students enrolled
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Global Teachers
The Okeniyi foundation has helped me in making my dreams become a reality by assisting in finances concerning my school fee
I will like to specially thank the Okeniyi Foundation for supporting my studies. My intention changed from a young boy who wants to hustle, to a boy who wants to go to school, get a degree, make good grades and be successful. OKENIYI Foundation scholarship will help me achieve my educational and career goals. With the help of OKENIYI Foundation I will have the chance to concentrate on my studies
The Foundation has ensured my continued access to high-quality education through the payment of my School fees. This has greatly empowered and motivated me to do more and attain the desired achievement in my life, I truly remain grateful to the Okeniyi Foundation